Answered By: Web Master
Last Updated: Nov 17, 2015     Views: 68

The jet airplane on the northwest corner of the parade ground is an F-4C, Phantom 2. It was flown in Vietnam by Lt. Gen. Ellie "Buck" Shuler USAF (Ret.), Class of 1959. It replaced an RF84f in 1987 which in turn was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. A large helicopter delivered the F-4C to the parade ground. The F-4C (formerly designated F-110A) was developed by McDonnell Douglas for the U.S Air Force from the F-4B. (Sources: John Duffie, Class of 1991; Jane's All the World's Aircraft, 1972-73, pp. 359-360, REF OVERSIZE TL501 .J3)

The RF84f was based at Larson AFB in Moses Lake, Washington. It was built in 1951. It was part of the 91st Strategic Recon. Squad. and 71st Strategic Recon. Wing. It was flown to the Charleston AFB, May 24, 1957, by Major H. F. Bertram. He carried it in the bomb bay of a huge B36C. In 1968, Larson AFB was closed and the remaining aircraft were reassigned to Fairchild AFB, also at Moses Lake. Moses Lake is located 100 miles south of Spokane.

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