Answered By: Web Master
Last Updated: Nov 17, 2015     Views: 93

Various efforts were made to reorganize the Corps of Cadets during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Some of the changes were due to fluctuations in enrollment, and over time the school shifted between two, three and four battalions. In some years the companies and battalions were associated with particular branches of military service. In 1931-1932, 1st Battalion (companies A, B, C & D) was designated as Infantry; 2nd Battalion (companies E, F. G & H) as Artillery; and the Band and Bugle Corps was listed separately. In 1933-1934 and 1934-1935, 1st Battalion was called the Infantry Unit of R.O.T.C. (companies A, B & C); 2nd Battalion was the Coast Artillery Unit (companies D, E & F). In 1939-1940 and 1940-1941, 1st Battalion was formed of companies A, B, C & D; 2nd Battalion E, F, G & H; 3rd Battalion of companies I, K, L, M and Band. In 1949-1950, 1st Battalion (companies A, B, C & D) was designated Artillery; 2nd Battalion (companies E, F, G, H and Band) as Air Force; 3rd Battalion (companies I, K, L & M) as Infantry; and 4th Battalion (companies N & O) as Engineers & Ordnance. During this period each cadet wore a badge designating the branch of service. By 1954-1955 the Corps was organized as 1st Battalion (companies A, B, C & D), 2nd Battalion (companies E, F, G & H), and the Third Group (squadrons I, K, L, M & N). In 1955-1956 there were three battalions, with no mention of affiliation with any particular branch of service. In 1956-1957 there were four battalions, with companies distributed as they are today, and Band Company listed separately. For a time in the late 1950s, assignment to a company was based on a cadet's height.(Sources: The Sphinx, 1932, p. 128; The Sphinx, 1934, pp. 118, 128; The Sphinx,1935, p. 146; The Sphinx, 1940, various pages; The Sphinx, 1941, pp. 140-141; The Sphinx, 1950, pp. 123-166; The Sphinx, 1951, pp, 109-157; The Sphinx, 1955, pp. 34-63; The Sphinx, 1956, pp. 44-73; The Sphinx, 1957, pp. 140-179; communication from Dr. Alexander Macaulay, Jr. (Citadel Class of 1994), Professor of History, Western Carolina University, July 22, 2005) (DH)

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