These three cannons, formerly in front of Mark Clark Hall, were put in their present location in 1977 to make way for the Seraph Memorial. The two smaller guns are the 37mm gun M3A1, a highly mobile light anti-tank weapon produced at the Watervliet Arsenal, New York between 1938 and 1943. The larger one is the 57mm gun M1 the development of which resulted from a need for a light anti-tank gun of greater power than the 37mm gun. The original design was based on the British '6-pounder' anti-tank gun converted to U.S. standard dimensions, tolerances and threads. The only major difference between the Britsh and American guns is that the American gun is 16 inches longer and has a muzzle velocity of about 100 feet per second greater. (Source: The Amercian Arsesnal, Greenhill Books, London 2001, pp 137-139.)